Blog Archive

Friday, March 1, 2013

{ Brain MRI followup & February chemo }

March 1st, this morning we went to San Marcos and had a followup Brain MRI. Not sure when I will know the results for the exam. We pray that the cancer in the brain has been eliminated and that no additional treatment would be needed.

As of Monday Feb 25 I have completed the etopiside pills for the February chemotherapy. Unfortunately I did not complete the full regimen this time either. On the first Tuesday following intravenous chemotherapy I threw up everything I ate that day and including water. I was unable to take my two pills for that day. The following 3 days I ate very little: Saltine crackers and some berries. And gradually increased to soupy rice. Despite that one episode, I was able to take my chemo drugs the rest of the days.

Now I am better but still the smells of certain foods will make me nauseous. I have been avoiding eating any meats including fish. I mostly eat vegetables and fruits. Sometimes I will eat rice or oatmeal.

On Monday, March 4th, I have a scheduled CT Scan for my full body. This will tell us how the cancer has spread within the body or whether the chemotherapy for the past two months have been effective. Pray for this exam, that we would get a clear picture of the progress and/or find any new developments or spread.
A home care nurse and a physical therapist had been visiting once a week for the past 3-4 weeks.
I have been having increased back pain. The oncologist would not let me get a chiropractic adjustment despite it being recommended by the physical therapist. She says my pelvis bone is misaligned and causing lower back pain. The oncologist thinks that if cancer has grown in that area then an adjustment could move it or cause it to spread. So we are waiting on this CT Scan to tell us more. We think a simple back adjustment could release me from the pain.

Keep praying! I'll leave you with a song Michael and I sang in the car today.

Lord Jesus, You’re lovely.
You’re more to be desired,
Than any earthly pleasure.
You’re fine, beyond compare.
Lord Jesus, Your beauty
Does far exceed all others.
You’re comely and You’re tender.
You’re radiant and You’re fair.

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