Blog Archive

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Lord, You love me so immensely

Dear saints,

Pearl's sister Priscilla wanted to post a song that Pearl sang with her via a videoskype call on April 19, 2013. Since the day of Pearl's diagnosis last year Pearl and Priscilla made skype calls almost every day. Priscilla and her mom wanted all the saints to be able to hear Pearl singing one of her favorite songs. Below is the original email with the melody and lyrics. Also, below is a Youtube link with Pearl's lovely voice.

Lord, You love me so immensely;
I would love You more intensely.
Every day and every moment,
O Lord, capture me.
Let my goal and my life’s theme be,
Lord, to love You more supremely;
With all my heart, Lord Jesus,
Keep me faithful unto Thee.
Draw me, Lord, each day.
Take my veils away.
With a pure heart will I see You;
Lord I just love You.
Nothing else I seek;
No one else for me.
I would fully and absolutely
Give my whole being unto Thee.

1 comment:

  1. Love your singing, dear sister Pearl. Your voice is so encouraging! Though I never met you, I am being strengthened so much by the love and overcoming life in your singing. Your singing will accompany with me all the way to Him!
