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Monday, December 17, 2012

Change to Full Brain Radiation Treatment

Due to the recent findings of more pinpoints of the cancer spread in the brain, the oncologist have advised me to go with the full brain radiation treatment. The lower dosage scan of the entire brain to treat the lesions in the brain all at once. I will go in five days a week for 2 weeks for this treatment. We start as soon as Tuesday Dec. 18th at 1pm. We will resume chemotherapy after the radiation treatment has been completed. I will be meeting with both oncologist tomorrow. Having back to back appointments set up. Pray for these times.

We thank the saints for all their supply and encouraging words. I have received some cards and packages and just want to quickly acknowledge that they have been received. And your words have been vastly supplying to me in the darkest hour. Praise God for His infinite wisdom.

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