Blog Archive

Friday, December 21, 2012

{ Undergoing Radiation Therapy and Lovely Visitors }

Hello friends and family and saints in the Body of Christ,

Thank you for your continued support. I am doing fairly well having already had 3 full brain radiation treatments thus far. Today will be my fourth therapy session at 3:30pm. The treatments are very quick five minutes on the table. A large scanner which is used for 360 degree x-rays radiates the brain. It is virtually painless and a very simple procedure.

In terms of memory, I have not experienced any significant issues thus far. I have been visited this week by Elberta, my best friend from Texas. Both her and my mother accompanied me to my appointments. Afterwards, I am more clear about where the car parked and they can't remember! :)

These days I do get more tired.  I have been on steroids to reduce inflammation. This is necessary for the duration of the radiation. I really cannot wait to get off of it. It can cause swelling in the legs and much water retention. Making walking difficult, bending knees, etc. I have also put on a significant amount of weight rapidly due to the steroids. You can see in the photos below I look more bloated and fatter. Even my oncologist thought that I looked funny. It made him smile and he's pretty stoic.But he encouraged me to eat a lot and be as fat as possible while on radiation. Afterwards, will be difficult to readjust my body to step down from steroids and rebuild. Pray for the post-radiation effects and also my next chemotherapy is being pushed to mid-January.

We are concerned about the delay, how the cancer in the torso will continue to grow while untreated during the radiation hiatus. We have to switch out to a new chemo treatment. And are unsure how the cancer will take it.

Here are some images from our recent visitors:

"Birdie" left her three kids in Texas with Tony and his mother to come visit me! ( I have not seen her for three years since my wedding in 2009.) Her presence really encouraged me because she had just survived through a massive ordeal with Solomon, truly a miracle birth baby. This was a very encouraging visit for me. I feel bad she missed her third child Solomon's first baby steps to be with me.Thank You so much for coming, Birdie!

Birdie took us out to dinner for a much needed break for the whole family.

Getting much love from friends and family.

Brother Dennis stops by for tea on Wednesday, Dec 19th.

We continue to give God the glory and the praises! He is the All-Sufficient One!

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