Blog Archive

Saturday, December 22, 2012

{ Meeting with Radiation Oncologist and Family Visit }

Friday after my fourth radiation therapy session, I met with my radiation oncologist. We talked about some of the symptoms I am having on steroids and he told me to step down, taking the pills less often. I was concerned that past 2 hours from the time I should take the pill, I would have headaches. But we decided to try this last night anyways. I went a full 12 hrs without steroids and seem to be doing ok. No head aches. But I do feel more fatigue, and less energetic. We will resume radiation on Monday at 8:20am for the fifth session.

On Friday, We had visitors yet again! 
My cousin Gideon and his wife Christina flew in from Cambridge, MA. to California staying with Christina's parents in Anaheim. They drove down three hours for a visit. We got to meet all the kids! It was a wonderful cherishing time and good visit.

The Lin Family ( with Immanuel, Olivia, Victoria)

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