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Monday, December 31, 2012

{ Radiation progress, Daniel and his friends, and the in-laws visiting }

Friday, Dec. 28th I had my 8th radiation treatment. I have one more on Monday, Dec 31st and then we skip a day for New Years' Day (holiday) and I go in for my last appointment on Wednesday, January 2nd. So far its been good. But the last two times I had blurred vision immediately following treatment. We are also in progress of stepping me down off steroids. The medication had cause extreme bloating and swollen legs. Michael's sister Cindy has been in town visiting along with his brother-in-law Yogin. They have been spending this week with us and driving me to my radiation treatments and various other places.

Last night, Michael & I read the bible together: Daniel chapter 3. We really enjoyed the story of Daniel and his two friends who stood up against king Nebuchadnezzar and refused to worship his idols. They were thrown into a furnace and yet those who cast them in died, they did not. Furthermore, we enjoyed how a fourth person appeared in the furnace with them. This was a marvelous seeing. Despite our situation may seem dire and hopeless, God may not take you out of that furnace right away, however he is there with you. He joined Daniel and his friends in the furnace. God was that fourth person in there with them in the midst of that heat. Eventually, the king realized he had made a mistake. That Daniel's God was the real God! Only he is able to save them. In the end, not even a hair on their head was singed from the flames! Now that is pretty amazing. What a testimony! May we continue to enjoy the Lord even in the lowest of circumstances.

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