Blog Archive

Monday, December 31, 2012

{ Lacking Sleep, a Cold and a Flood of Visitors }

I have not been sleeping very well while on steroids. Despite the fact that I have been slowing stepping down the dosage to 6mg. I have come down with a cold. My doctor had prescribed me with some sleep aid and pepcid for the acid in my stomach.Please pray for my mom's health as well, I think its been draining on her to care for me and all those passing through. She was under the weather for a couple days and has back pain.

Recently we got more visitors, Michael's sister Cindy and her husband Yogin are visiting from Christmas till New Years Eve. They drove all the way down form the Bay Area. Last Wednesday, Aunt Mei and Uncle Sam from NYC, who had come to attend the Winter Training in Anaheim, California drove down to see us and take us to lunch. We had a good time together. Aunt Mei shared with us a bit on what she enjoyed from the training for our encouragement.

Last night, A flood of visitors came over. They were old family friends of Michael's father (former colleagues). They came from Taiwan and were in town visiting the San Diego Zoo with neighbors and friends and dropped by for an impromptu visit.

Here is Yogi, Cindy, Michael and my mom with the whole crew of people.

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