Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

{ Michael's Thirtieth Birthday and Last Session of Radiation }

Michael's birthday was on New Year's Eve. He just turned thirty. His cousins Vivian and Steven drove down from Los Angeles to celebrate along with brother-in-law Yogi and sister Cindy who were already here visiting for the week. They took us out to an Italian restaurant for dinner to celebrate.

Yogi and Cindy

Michael and Pearl

Michael and Cousin Vivian

Michael and Cousin Steven

On January 2nd I went to my tenth session of full brain radiation therapy. I received a certificate of completion.

The receptionist put the wrong date on it though. I will have followup visit on February 7th to scan the brain again and see how the legions took the treatment. Meanwhile, I have stepped down off steroids. Today January 8th was my final 1/2 pill dosage. Pray that I will not have headaches and will not hae to go back on steroids. Steroids has many side effects and each day I have been cutting down the dose, I am noticeably weaker. My immune system is also at a very low point, but I need to heal quickly so that I can handle my next chemotherapy session. Chemo drug will just further tear down my body. Chemo will resume on January 18th Friday. It will be a longer 6 hour intravenous session. A new drug will be added to the treatment. It will be different from the first two chemotherapy treatments I already had.

I was at first upset that the doctor pushed my treatment date  from Jan. 7th to Jan. 18th but now I believe this is actually for the better. I will try in these days some alternative therapies to rebuild my body with healthy foods and a natural way. No herbs as my oncologist doesn't want me taking anything herbal. But just eating plenty of organic vegetables and fruits. Doing as much as I can to restore my body's immune system, despite the fact that I can barely move these days. My brain is functioning but my body doesn't move with me. I am very lethargic. Please pray for me to regain my strength, for my body to heal and shake of the side effects of steroids withdrawal.

Thank you saints. I need the Body.

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