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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

{ Radiation Update Decision }

Praise the Lord for his ministering to us from the members of  the Body of Christ! We have been greatly supplied this weekend through the encouraging words of friends, saints and family members. This morning as I made my call to my oncologist to discuss the plans with him from the radiation oncologist, I was very calm. I thought I was clear to make a decision. But unable to reach my oncologist at 8:20am, I became quite frantic. With nothing to do but wait for a return call, I read two emails this morning and they just simply watered me for that moment.

Despite the outward situation we just need to calm down and be before the Lord. The Lord used these couple minutes to say, hey, slow down. Contact me this morning. I realized I just need to seek him first. No one else, just The Lord Jesus. I just need to remain in his presence and gain the supply from him that I need for the day. An email from my cousin supplied me with a passage in Psalms 23 which brought me to tears. This exposed me of my condition of not walking with the Lord, when we walk in Him the shadows recede, the valleys are shorter. If we remain alone, we just see the death and the darkness and become overwhelmed. Another brother charged me with such faith in his email, and again exposed my lack in trusting in the Lord. We may feel short of faith. But Christ is the Author and Perfecter of our Faith. When we cling to Him, when we lay hold of Him, He become the faith in us. In the morning revival last week, I enjoyed that Christ is already in acenscion. We may pray Lord take us out of this death situation, or I need more resurrection. But actually we don't need to ask for these things! He has already accomplished this! He already died, was buried, was resurrected and ultimately ascended. He is the Lord of Lords! He is the One on the Throne ruling over all things. Death and Satan are under his feet. He is far above all things of this earthly realm. 

We do not stand on the facts of this earth or my health condition on earth. But we stand on the fact that God has already healed me. Because as believers, We are found in Christ and He has already risen and ascended to the Throne, we are also there with Him in His ascension. We have the authority to reign with Him.

Just in a few minutes spent alone with the Lord I could regain the peace and the clarity.

The decision has been made to go with the more precise targeted brain radiation therapy. The oncologist returned my call at 8:50 am then I was able to call back the radiation oncologist by 9:15 am to give my decision.
At that point I could not make the 10 am original appointment but the Lord worked it out and I was able to reschedule my fitting for the mask for 1pm with a quick CT Scan. So we we able to accomplish a lot today.

I have two sisters from Northern California visiting me these days and they have been a wonderful supply and support and praying companions to me and my mother and Michael. We are in the process of scheduling the throrough Brain MRI hopefully by this Friday. And once the maps are made the doctors can determine the course of therapy and how soon we can get started. Possibly as early as Monday or Tuesday.

We just thank you all for your continued support and will maintain positive and joyous! We look to the Lord for healing in every aspect of our lives not just for our physical bodies but for our whole being. Continue to pray to bind the enemy from further spread in the brain while we are waiting for treatment planning. 

God Bless you all.

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