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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

{ Second Pet Scan Results }

My oncologist called me with the results of the pet scan. He informed me that the cancer that is throughout my torso and pelvis has reduced by 75%. However, he also stated some bad news. The cancer in area behind my stomach has grown in size despite the chemotherapy. In addition, there were two new growths on my liver that are small and also on my right shoulder blade.
To figure out if I have some other type of cancer he wants me to get a biopsy of the shoulder one. He's hoping the cell sampling in a different region may give us direction on want treatment to take next. He said I'll likely have to get more chemo. The area by the liver and stomach are harder to reach for biopsy so he thinks the safest bet is the shoulder blade. They are working on scheduling this asap. But have not called me back yet.
O Lord, we praise you for this result and pray that you'll continue to supply us as we battle the rest of the cancer.

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