Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

{ PET scan results }

The Pet scan results came in today. But unfortunately the pet scan did not show primary site. It showed masses in the chest cavity, abdomen, and pelvis. All within the lymph nodes. Which we already knew from the prior CT scan.
New findings in the lungs are suspicious to progressing metastatic disease. Meaning it has begun to spread to the lungs.
The Pet scan shows no signs of spread above the neck. This is good news. 

Saints, please pray for the following:

1. That the cancer would not to spread to the brain or other organs. 
2. For the upcoming chemotherapy this Wednesday.


  1. 1 O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now
    That gives us life and quickens us,
    With all Thy riches strengthening,
    O how divine and glorious!
    2 O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now
    That with Thy power liberates;
    And by Thy liberation true
    The law of life now regulates.
    3 O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now
    That transforms us and saturates,
    And to Thine image true conforms
    And with Thy light illuminates.
    4 O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now
    Who in my spirit makes His home;
    He mingles with my spirit too,
    And both one spirit thus become.
    5 Lord, teach me how to exercise
    My spirit now to contact Thee,
    That in Thy Spirit I may walk
    And live by Thy reality.

  2. Dear sister Pearl and brother Michael,
    The entire church in San Luis Obispo stands with you and interceded for you in prayer last night.

    "be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength" (Eph. 6:10)

    "...He Himself has said, 'I shall by no means give you up, neither by any means shall I abandon you'" (Heb. 13:5c)

  3. Dear sister, sweet sister Pearl,
    We met in Switzerland in 2008 and i am standing with you and all yours in prayer and intercession. May our loving Lord be Your perfect bountiful supply and graceful shelter. You abide in Him and He abides in you. Love in Christ to you. Tons of hugs in Him. Philippians 4

    Muriel Favarger Ripert, Lausanne
