Blog Archive

Monday, October 29, 2012

{ Update on First Session of Chemotherapy }

First Session of Chemotherapy:

Day One: 
Michael took me to Kaiser Outpatient clinic in San Marcos,CA. At the chemotherapy suite, the nurse prepped us for the first treatment and explained to us all the side effects.
She gave me anti-nausea medication as well as a mild steroids first. She gave me an intravenous bag of Sodium Chloride for hydration before beginning on the actual Chemotherapy bags. And also another one afterwards.
We were there for approximately 3 and half hours. Michael picked up additional pills at the Pharmacy. I left the clinic feeling slight better than going in.

At home, I had a pretty good appetite and ate four bowls of matzo ball soup for dinner. (The food that saints had brought over that night). I took some anti nausea medications and went to bed.

Day Two:
I woke up fairly early and had a chance to eat breakfast, Skype my sister, and started off feeling pretty good. I had to take 6 pills of chemotheropy drugs that day.
But I knew that I had to take a couple other medications to protect my body from the harm of chemotherapy drugs. And I had to have sufficient water intake and food.
I took 2 of 6 pills around 1pm.
A sister came to visit me around 1:30pm I was starting to get fatigue. As the afternoon progressed I took two more pills. But feel more and more nauseous despite taking the anti-nausea medications.
I took a nap after the sister left and woke up when Michael returned from work.

I felt terrible that night I threw up some fruits I ate. I was very hesistant to eat dinner or the pills I had left. Michael coaxed me to try and get a little food down and wait to see if it stays. I only had 4 dumplings.
I took small bites and it seemed to stay down. So after showering and prepping for bed. I decided to take the anti-nausea pill and then the chemo drugs. But before I good take it I threw up again: my very small dinner
and a lot of stomach acid. It was not a fun experience. 

So that day I did not complete my full dose of chemotherapy.

Day Three:
I was extremely tired. I had much difficulty sleeping through the night for many weeks now. I woke at 11 am. At 11:30am, Miriam came to visit on Friday, on her day off work.
I was much more lethargic that the previous day. The thought of food made me want to gag. I still had to take yet another 6 chemotherapy pills. I was not looking forward to this.
I was extremely weak and could only lie down on the couch or sit up briefly. Miriam convinced me to eat something small a Saltine cracker. I ate about 3 of them. My appetite was low despite being hungry.
For most of the day I just had water, apple juice and cracker. Some sisters stopped by with meals but I just could not eat.

We contacted my doctor in the afternoon. The nurse who responded told me to take the other nausea med. And insisted that I have to take the full prescribed dosage of chemo drugs for it to be effective. I told her I cannot keep food or water down. She believes I was very dehydrated and told me to get Gatorade or Pedialyte and drink in small sips rather than gulps. So as not to cause the urge to vommit.

After a nap and some nausea meds. I was a little bit  more willing to eat . So Michael prepared me a dish with a little bit of different foods the saints had brought over. I took small bites, along with some Gatorade.
I managed to get a small meal in and ate 5 of the six pills.

Day Four: Normally, the six pills are just for days 2 & 3, But since I started the pills fairly late on Day 3 I figured taking the final pill in the morning would be okay. 
My oncologist never called me back so I was not sure If and how I should make up the missed doses from Day 2.

Sunday, Today I woke up fairly early and have had a decent appetite. I had cereal for breakfast and some fruit smoothie. My muscles still feel very weak and I wish I could go outside. But I am not to go to public places.
And the chemo drugs make me prone to infections. I cannot have visitors who have a common cold. I may try to take a walk later.

This morning this song came to me and I spontaneously sung:

Jesus Lord, You're our first love;
You're the One we love the best.
When our heart is loving You,
How we're filled with Your sweet rest!

While you have your lungs, It's good to use them to praise the Lord.


  1. Hey Pearl :)
    Reading Romans 8 today... thought of you as I read vs 37-39:
    But in all these things we more than conquer through Him who loved us.
    For I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers
    Nor height nor depth nor any other creature will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Love you, miss you.
    Grace as a river is flowing!

  2. Hey Pearly Pearl,
    You are such an encouragemnet to me. Here is what I managed to enjoy today: Ephesians 3:20- Glory belongs to God, whose power is at work in us. By this power he can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.

  3. Praise You, dear Lord Jesus. Was feeling bummed about going to work this morning and honestly a little down, but read your post and was so encouraged, humming the hymn on the way into work. Now I can continue it :):

    Lord, we've been drawn off by many things;
    Now we turn our heart back—how it sings!
    We repent of loving other things—
    Jesus, Lord, You're our first love.


    Miss you geeps. Will drop in later!

