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Thursday, November 8, 2012

{ A Big Thank You and Recent Visitors }

Thank you all for your prayers! It has been very encouraging to hear from so many people in various places in the world. I read all the comments even though I may not get the chance to reply to each person. So thank you very much for your support, thoughts and prayers. I have been doing fairly well in these past eleven days. Each day I feel more energy and my appetite has certainly returned. 

Last Sunday night I accidentally kicked a box in my apartment and it has bruised my center toe on my right foot. I was concerned that the bruising may be due to a hairline fracture. I think my bones have weakened since chemo started. I put ice on it and I emailed my doctor who said an X-ray was not necessary but just to wrap the toe with the neighboring toe. The toe seems a bit better today. Still slightly purple on one side. My regular doctor has told me to take Calcium and vitamin D but my oncologist said no. My oncologist prefers that I get the vitamins from food rather than supplements.
On Tuesday, I was also able to go to the polls at a neighbors' garage to vote on election day. This was the first day that I drove myself since chemotherapy began. 

My friends visiting from NY took a walk with me by the pond near our home. 

I believe I am reaching my nadir point as I am more susceptible to germs, infections and colds at this time. Because of this I'm limiting myself to stay home and not be in public for a couple more days. Since April I have been losing weight without trying to. The good news is that I have gained back 4 pounds since my first chemotherapy date. I am still about 10 lbs. under my normal weight. 

I have minor symptoms such as body aches, occasional chest pains and dehydration. My skin is dry and flaky but I've picked up some good lotions and body butters to help with that issue. My elbows are the worse part: flaky and ashy but consistent moisturizing has helped to keep it from cracking. Other symptoms include hair loss or thinning. Aside from these minor things, I have been doing very well. I don't take as many naps during the day. I have been eating more food and more often.

My sister and brother in law are coming for a visit from Norway shortly. And my mother from NY will join us in a couple days as well. Thank you to all those who have supplied Michael and I with meals, fruits, and groceries. We appreciate this practical caring. And of course, we are supplied by all the riches of Christ that you have ministered to us in your visitations and prayers.

Much Love and gratefulness,

1 comment:

  1. Dear Pearl,

    We love you and are praying for you! May the Lord continue to uplift and encourage your spirit, soul and body directly and through the members of the Body. I wish I could see you in person!

