Blog Archive

Monday, November 19, 2012

{ Second Session of Chemotherapy }

Dear all,

I will be having my second chemo treatment on Wed Nov 21st.
We meet with the oncologist on Tuesday Nov 20. And I'll be having lab work done that day as well.

Please pray for the following:

1) Pray that I will not catch a cold. I have been sneezing often. 
Pray to strengthen my body and immune system prior to Wednesday.
We don't want any delay to the treatment.

2) Pray that everything will go smoothly for my next session of chemotherapy.
That I will be able to take the full dosage this time and continue to have a good appetite.
Pray for the doctors wisdom in adjusting the chemo for my needs.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to all those who are reading this page for your support, concern, and love for my sister.
