Blog Archive

Sunday, October 21, 2012

{ Taking care of Coconut }

Many friends and family have been concerned about Pearl keeping a pet in her apartment while she is sick.Pearl loves her bunny and doesn't want to part with him. She has been praying concerning what to do with her bunny Coconut while she is going through chemotherapy treatments. While undergoing treatments she will be more prone to infections and would not be able to care for her bunny.

Recently she contacted the San Diego House Rabbit Society with an urgent request to find a foster home for him due to her health situation. Because it was short notice, Pearl was hoping at least one person would reply to her plea for help. The following day after the email was sent, there were a flood of emails, about 17 persons or families willing to help care for him.

She was able to select from the emails the best foster home arrangement for him in a home closer to her apartment. Coconut was just dropped off at his foster home in Escondido, with his new foster mom Sandra who has two bunnies Dulce and Jack for him to make friends with!

Furthermore, many of the volunteers offered to pray for her health situation. She was so touched by the care of strangers.

Additionally, understanding the difficulty of health care costs and caring for a pet, a lady from Petco Foundation has also offered to assist with any supplies Coconut needed. 

This is so much more than we could ask or think. (Eph 3:20)
The Lord has granted us much peace in this matter.

Praise the Lord for His divine arrangements even in the small things!


  1. Dear Pearl here is a little portion I enjoyed this morning:

    As a prophet, Jonah is a type of Christ, the greater Jonah, in His death, burial and resurrection. (Jonah 1:17; 2:10; Matt. 12:38-41) Through His death on the cross Christ nullified death and destroyed the devil who has the might of death. Since the Lord destroyed the devil and nullified death, we now have no more fear of death and are released from its slavery.

  2. Dear Pearl, this small thing brought tears to my eyes...This is so so sweet... The Lord is taking such sweet care of you, even in small matters. I just love how it starts..with prayer..

    Standing in prayer, from the church in Newington CT...
