Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

{ Out of the hospital }

Last night January 15th, at about 8:30pm I was finally discharge from the hospital after a long day of waiting. I was told I would be discharge in the early morning. But due to the need for me to be on oxygen we had to wait for a portable oxygen unit to be delivered. The orders were put in late and so we had to wait all day at the hospital. Then once I returned home we had to wait for another delivery guy to bring us the at home oxygen unit, backup tank and extra canisters for the portable unit. At 10:30pm the delivery guy finally left after explaininh how to use and maintain everything. We were so exhausted at this point.

January 16th, Since I could not be discharged earlier on the 15th, My appointment with my oncologist was rescheduled for 2pm today. My body is significantly weaker after stepping down from steroids. I no longer have a ravenous wolf appetite. I am more picky and want to eat very little. Despite two blood transfusions I still fell very weak today. This is bad because my next chemotherapy on Friday January 18th. Please pray for me to increase in appetite that I can rebuild my body quickly and be strong enough for chemo therapy this Friday. It has been over 2 months since my last chemo and because of this, it has allowed the cancer to grow. The lumps by my neck are back and I can feel the once in my pelvis and belly already causing problems. So it's very important that I be stronger. My oncologist says, if I cannot walk into chemotherapy suite I should not have chemo on Friday. Please pray for this. Thank you Saints, family, friends.


  1. Pearl, your cousin in Atlanta is thinking of you. Hang in there. All this is for just a little while. With our love. Eddie (for Juliana, Jordan, Asher, Olivia, & Jesse).

  2. Standing with you in prayer

    Jason and Susan

  3. Have been remembering you all a lot this past week and praying for you. Enjoyed some hymns in the table meeting this morning on experiencing the Lord as our real food and drink, especially #1146:
    "Let us eat Jesus every day,...that in the trials great or small he as a Man will be our all."
    "Let us drink Jesus til we see that we are human, Jesusly! Till rivers flood the barren ground and quench the thirst of all around."
    May the Lord be your real supply today,
    Jenny (Prim) Snocker
